The Piano Teacher’s Time-Saving Quiz

Results & Action Plan

Well done for completing The Piano Teacher’s Time-Saving Quiz!

I know you’re here to get your quiz results so let’s get straight to it:

The results are divided into three bands for each section so all you have to do is click the button relevant to your score and read your personalised recommendations.

Below the recommendations are relevant links to resources, freebies, blog posts and more 🤩

If you’ve landed here without completing the quiz, you’re very welcome to have a go! Click the button to access the quiz.

Section A

Schedule Management

Click the button relevant to your score to read your recommendations

Section B

Lesson Planning & Preparation

Click the button relevant to your score to read your recommendations

Section C

Administrative Efficiency

Click the button relevant to your score to read your recommendations

Section D

Non-Teaching Time Management

Click the button relevant to your score to read your recommendations

Section E

Professional Development and Practice

Click the button relevant to your score to read your recommendations

Section F

Work-Life Balance

Click the button relevant to your score to read your recommendations